Weekend Weather

By Jack Martin on Mar 31, 2016 at 04:35 PM

Good Thursday morning,

Looks like a nice warming trend for the rest of the week into the weekend.

First check this out... El Niño has at least helped some of us…We drink their water here in Too.https://www.facebook.com/permalink.php?story_fbid=10154256690620695&id=680935694

Today, warming up with high pressure building in.

Tonight, sundowner winds for Santa Barbara right around sunset. The winds will come up in Santa Barbara and warm us up into the mid-70s as the winds compress coming down the pass. Winds will not be crazy, but you will feel the wind if you face to the northwest.

Friday into the weekend is looking nice, maybe a little low clouds early on, but over all a really nice weekend.

Next week??? Well system drops into Northern California. This will do nothing more than cool us down some. A cut off low may form around Wednesday in the LA area.

If so there is at least a chance that we could pump in some sub-tropical moisture. Don't hold your breath, but at least we can dream that the rainy season is not over yet.

Happy birthday Terri, have a great day!Cake

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