Happy Hump Day
Good hump day,
Midweek and weather is changing for the rest of the week. Take a look at the satellite picture below. You will see the subtropical moisture drawing into the southwestern states.
High pressure over New Mexico is drawing up all the monsoonal moisture from Mexico. This is going to start effecting us later this afternoon.
The effect will begin with warmer temps and humidity .
As far a rain goes, it might get into the Southern California areas today, but not likely to get this far north .
The best shot for us is Thursday afternoon and Friday .
These are going to be in the form of thunderstorms that would pop up over the mountains.
Anyway you look at it the chances are still only 20% or less.
100% it will be hot and muggy.
So stay cool and hydrated.
More to come soon, have a great day!
- Jack
Okay techno-jack!! I will love to give y’alls a double thumbs up, or at least 10 gold stars. I was way impressed with Tony and his young sidekick. Maybe Thomas? They just changed the whole complexion of what we’re going to do. Making it work too! I’ve decided that the key to your enormous business success is your skill in hiring and picking business partners. In my experience, I can think of Sharon, Jeannie, Ricky, Doug, Kirk, Tony, Jorge, Octavio. And I haven’t even seen Beatriz or Ana yet. You continue to hit those line drives, even if your run to 1st base has slowed a bit. So fun for me to see!!Joe Sevilla