Looking at the dates of this week, it should be interesting with history and superstition.
Wednesday is 9/11 and Friday is Friday the 13th.
Weather wise we are looking at one more hot day, then the heatwave begins to break. Tuesday through the rest of the week we will see temps drop to a point of normal.
Highs today will be a few degrees lower than Sunday, but not much. Upper 80s coastal, 90s foothills and over 100 in most other areas.
Tuesday we will see a system in the northwest cool us off and bring back onshore winds. This means a return to fog along the coast and reasonable highs. Midweek coastal areas will see 70s and valleys mid 80s which is a welcome relief for all.
Monsoonal moisture has moved East and the threat of thunder shower has left our area, with less muggy conditions.
Looking at the tropical areas, Texas will see a hurricane this week, but will be on the weaker side.
On the west coast in Mexico there is a disturbance that is being watched. This could affect cabo later in the week. (If for some crazy reason you would go to cabo or Mexico this time of year watch the weather and expect hot a wet conditions.)
Ok that’s it for now, one more day of heat than a break.
Stay cool, it will get better is 24 hours
Jack Martin
Thank you so much for being there when we needed someone! You have no idea how much you helped us. We are extremely grateful. May your kindness come back to you ten-fold!Gina