
By jack martin on Feb 26, 2024 at 05:38 PM

Good Monday morning, 

High clouds and a little rain this afternoon is the forecast for the day. This morning we are expecting dry conditions with some light rain starting around 3pm today into tonight. This is thanks to a cut-off low that has been spinning in the pacific for days. This will drift towards us today and bring 1/10 to 1/4 of an inch. Just enough to dampen the streets. https://zoom.earth/maps/satellite/#view=27.1,-109.1,4z/date=2024-02-26,05:00,-8

Tuesday morning the rain is over and dry conditions through Thursday with another system arriving some time Friday and Saturday. This is colder and mountain snows are likely. Rain wise. .75 to 1 1/2 coastal and 1 to 3 inches in the mountains. A good system, but not crazy. Sunday will be wind and cold. Highs will only be around 60.

Wednesday should be the warmest day of the week with highs near 70s. 

It was truly a great weekend in the Santa Ynez Valley.

Enjoy the little rain, then dry until Friday sometime. February is coming to a close and hopefully spring is right around the corner. Daylight savings starts March 10th and we will then see daylight into the 7pm hour. 

Have a great week, bring an umbrella today if you melt with light rain 😃

Jack Martin

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Thank you for helping me on the phone with all my questions.
Patty Rogers