
By jack martin on Nov 02, 2023 at 08:55 PM

Good Thursday morning, 

What a week it has been for hot weather. The Santa Ana and off shore winds has kept everyone hot and dry all this week.  We have one more day of dry weather and hot before we begin to get a break.

It looks like Friday we will shift to neutral and onshore flow will begin. 

This will cool us down some and coastal will start to see some morning dampness with onshore flow. The valleys should stay warm.

This weekend will be fair, with some cooler temps but still above normal.

Next week looks like a series of lows will pass to the north with Seattle getting quite wet. Rain however will not make it this far south. Central coast at best, but not likely.

A series of systems will roll through to the north next week bringing us wind at best and some onshore flow. 

Bottom line no rain is in site.

Jack Martin

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Thank you for helping me on the phone with all my questions.
Patty Rogers