
By Jack Martin on Jan 06, 2023 at 04:28 PM

Wow, what an amazing result from all the rain. Take a look at the Pictures of the Santa Ynez river yesterday later in the afternoon.

That dry river is flowing strongly.

Today is all about the high surf, the weather will be nice as we should see 2 dry days, before more rain Saturday night.

Right now I am listening to the local news, they should get my weather report because they are reporting lake levels with little change.

Let me give you the real facts.

The storm Wednesday was less than thought because the system blew through faster than expected because of the winds, But the results for the rain were fantastic for lakes and reservoir levels.

Gibraltar reservoir is overflowing since 11 am yesterday, with all the rain in the hills flowing into lake Cachuma.

Lake Cachuma is now at 35.1 % up over 3% in one day. With Gibraltar full, the lake will rise much faster. Click here Dashboard (cosbpw.net)

With more rain this weekend and next week, I am betting we can get to at least 50% at Cachuma by Wednesday next week.

Disclosure!! this is just me thinking about what is coming “not scientific “😊

So what’s to come, is lots more rain. Starting Saturday night 1/2 to 1 inch overnight.

We will get a break Sunday, then more rain starting Monday ahead of the Main front Monday night.

Yes, another atmospheric river is to hit Monday night. This system will be stronger or equal to Wednesday’s system. Adding another 2 to 4 inches coastal and 4 to 8 inches in the mountains: ”wow”

Even more rain into late next week and hints of another system early the week following.

For a La Nina year, I think we are doing pretty well with rainfall 😊

I love the rain, even if it makes my world crazy at work!

Jack Martin

sy river

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