
By Jack Martin on Dec 30, 2020 at 03:44 PM

Good Wednesday morning, 

Happy birthday to my Daughter Courtney, on her golden birthday!! 30 on the 30th!!

I want to be 30 again 

Today will be a perfect day, birthday or not. Off shore winds will continue to keep us warm, in the mid 60s.


Late tonight, north winds will come up as a dry inside slider rolls down the coast. We will all feel some wind, but nothing crazy.

Thursday, the system passes through and it will bring us a cooler day, as cold air brings us chill.

Friday and New Year’s Day, it will be very nice with off shore building in once again.

It will be a great day to walk on the beach. Pearl and I will be there.... 

Saturday will continue the nice weather, but a weak weather system starts to roll in on Sunday.

Sunday looks like any rain will remain in SLO county. With a very slight chance for rain Sunday night and Monday.

Tuesday looks to be dry during the day, then Tuesday night and Wednesday look to bring us a moderate rain system.

We will watch this as time gets closer.

Looking beyond, some models are suggesting more rain as we move further into the week. 

Have a nice day, the islands are sure pretty looking over the ocean. 


Jack Martin

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