
By Jack Martin on Jun 04, 2020 at 04:07 PM

Good Thursday morning,

What a difference a day makes.

As we can see along the coast, the fog is back and has moved in. Inland however, is still sunny.


Today the coastal areas will see a cooler day in the 70s. The valleys will still see 80s and 90s for one more day.

Friday that low pressure system starts to move over us creating instability, with some drizzle Friday and thunderstorms possible Friday night.

In the mountains of Ventura and Santa Barbara county.


Saturday and Sunday we return to North-South flow and sundowner winds in Santa Barbara area.

Winds will pick up in the evening to 25 to 35 miles an hour.

Monday thRough Wednesday, northwest winds switch to northeast winds and Ventura south will get the winds.

We will also see a jump in temps due to Santa Ana conditions.

Bottom line, it looks like we will have changing weather every 2 days for the next week.

Enjoy the day…

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Thanks for the ‘perfect timing’ roof replacement. We appreciate your help.
Judy & Larry Hanson