Tuesday 9/17/19
Good Tuesday morning,
Hope you enjoyed the picture of my roof. I accidentally sent them to the entire weather group....Oops!!
Our weather this week is really going to be consistent through Thursday.
We have a few systems that are dropping down from the Pacific Northwest.
These are going to keep us cooler and bring up the north sundowner winds each evening. Last night the winds were greatest in Gaviota and Goleta at 25 miles an hour. Just light winds in SB.
The north winds will likely keep the fog out of SB and Goleta. Fog in other areas should clear by late morning.
More wind Wednesday and Thursday evenings with highs around 80. Just pleasant weather.
Friday we will transition into a warmer weekend with temps jumping into the mid 80s.
All in all, great weather here. Looking into the southern pacific down by Cabo, the weekend weather is not looking good for them. The seas are quite active with 4 hurricanes or tropical depressions moving to the north. We will start to hear more about these in the next few days. I don’t think I would want to go to Cabo this weekend 😬.
Have you noticed that the light of day is getting a lot later now. Almost 6:30 before daylight starts.
Have a great day.
Thank you for coming up to do the demo for the Career Fair at Los Prietos. All the boys were fascinated by the chance to see how sheet metal is formed, and to do some of it themselves. A hands-on demo is always the most effective in getting the boys involved. We really appreciate your arranging the demo, especially since you had already put so much energy into the talk and demo you did for the Construction Technology class. The teaching and Probation staff were all impressed by how involved the boys were in your demo.Richard Anderson Instructor
Construction Technology Program Los Prietos Boys Camp