Thursday Weather
By Jack Martin
on Apr 27, 2017 at 04:00 PM
Good morning,
Another week coming to a close. Oh how quickly this happens. This is also the last week of April and we will welcome May.
Not many changes to the forecast. The wind continues to be the major issue. This will continue through Friday. Then finally the winds will die out in Santa Barbara Friday night.
Saturday the wind shifts to the south, as a Santa Anna wind event stirs up. As normal we will have no wind in SB, just rising temps. All of you Ventura south, come to SB ... You will not like the winds!!!
It is looking like a great, sunny and warm weekend.
Ok that's about it for now. Still no rain in site....
Oh today is national take you kid to work day !!! My daughter works for me, so this is easy for me .......
Thanks for the expertise, good job, right price, great attitude, and timing!David Eldred