Tuesday Weather Update
Good Tuesday morning,
The weather the last 2 days has been down right fantastic. Monday Santa Barbara had a high of 76 degrees.
Today it will cool by 10 degrees. This is thanks to an inside slider that will bring high clouds and a cooler day.
On Wednesday we bounce back to warmer temps for one day, as a weak off shore flow develops.
By Thursday morning we have a complete reversal of the weather. Rain will begin early Thursday morning. Thursday's rain will be lighter.
On Friday, the flood gates open. You remember the catch phrase "Atmospheric River”. Well it is going to drop right over Santa Barbara, Ventura and LA. This is going to bring heavy rain, and wind for an 18 to 24 hour period. This system will have strong south flow, a negative tilt ... all of this spells a Heck of a storm.
Santa Barbara will get hammered, with 4 to 8 inches over the coastal hills. Everywhere else 2 to 4 inches.
Saturday and Sunday will bring us showers, but not as much rain...the model predicting this forecast has stayed steady for the past few days. As long as there are no changes in the next day, we will be talking about flooding and mud slides.
How is that for a forecast, in California it is always more exciting.
One more Shout out to our Desal plant. Ready to go on line next month
Thanks for the nice job you did on my house. My tenant appreciated how considerate and efficient your team was and commented on the excellent job they did. My husband and I went up to inspect the job yesterday, and we were very pleased.Ann Schied