Asphalt Roofing Manufacturers Association
Only by eating, sleeping, and dreaming asphalt can you hope to keep up to date with the latest news, trends, innovations in the asphalt roofing industry. Or you can visit this web site, where all the work has been done for you... by ARMA.
ARMA is a trade association representing the majority of North America's asphalt roofing manufacturing companies, plus their raw material suppliers. The association includes almost 95 percent of the nation's manufacturers of bituminous-based roofing products.
Information ARMA gathers on modern asphalt roofing materials and practices is provided to building and code officials, as well as regulatory agencies and allied trade groups. But our work doesn't end here. Committed to advances in the asphalt roofing industry, ARMA is proud of the role it plays in spearheading R&D, and in promoting asphalt roofing to those in the building industry and to the public.